Houston Llew Spiritile: 153 Miracle

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"When you need a miracle, just look at your child and realize you created one." - Unknown

Molten glass over copper collectible art.

Artist Statement

A statement by Houston's mom: "As Houston’s mom, I have to admit that nothing … and I mean nothing… prepared me for what I experienced the moment I gazed at that rosy, squishy, blanket-wrapped bundle and realized that I had given life to an intensely beautiful and creative soul. How did I know it? Let’s call it maternal instinct. Though obvious to me from the start, I had no inkling that my lil bundle would take it so far. The miracle of giving life is one that transcends any other peak experience. It was a primal force that brought utter joy when he snuggled down in my 3 AM arms, that brought a grin when a stray building block impaled itself under my bare foot, that made his gift of a randomly selected pebble worth more to me than all the jewels at Tiffany’s. Along with this miracle of life itself came the miracle of giving myself over totally and completely to his lifelong endeavor. Moms never give up! I have walked beside Houston through the peaks and valleys of his artistic journey. Yes, admittedly, I was a few steps behind at times and just trying to keep up, but what a wondrous path it is. Early on, I watched him try and and try and try and then yes! he came upon the magic of Spiritiles. Since that first very miraculous moment, he has touched more lives and spread more light and levity than I ever thought possible. And now, as we all need one big miracle to bring us back together again - with warm embraces, the touch and togetherness we so long for - I realize that Miracle holds that very special spirit. It is the one of a mother who looks at her child and instinctively sees the bright, bold future. It is the one that never ever gives up!"

Size: Approximately 5¼" x 8½" x 1¾" - akin to the size of a novel
Materials: Glass enamel on copper, formed around a heavy wood core

Every Spiritile is made painstakingly by hand in Houston Llew's studio in Charleston, South Carolina. The glass is applied to one side of the metal using stencils and relying on precise layering with hand sifters. The piece is only fired once. After firing, a rolling pin is rolled over the enameled metal to form intentional crazing marks in the glass. Although it goes against the medium's traditional teachings, Houston says this technique creates increased light refraction, particularly in the transparent glass.

Spiritiles look great alone or in a group. They can be hung on the wall or set on a flat surface without the aid of an easel or stand. They are quite sturdy and can withstand direct sun and covered outdoor environments (we recommend bringing them inside during extreme weather).

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